Healthy Conflict for a Distributed Workforce

A 90 minute Virtual, instructor led training (VILT) for your PEOPLE LEADERS

About this Leadership Training:

Conflict is a reality of life, and now a part of our highly virtual and distributed work world. Handling conflict with a balance of confidence and humility is the sign of a purpose-driven leader and will create a culture of trust and collaboration on your team. In this leadership training, we’ll uncover the five modes of conflict, your conflict preferences, how to be versatile in your approach, and tips for navigating conflict in our remote work world. 

Learning Outcomes & What to Expect:

  • An overview of the 5 modes of conflict and self-assess your preferences 

  • How to address avoidance and anger when dealing with difficult situations

  • Best practices in conflict resolution for distributed teams

  • Discuss and connect with team members and colleagues in small groups

Leadership Themes: Self-awareness, Conflict Resolution, Building Healthy Culture

Read our blog post on this topic

What’s included in this Training:

  • Expert-led facilitation and content, including one-on-one and group breakouts to encourage connection and engagement with your team

  • Adaptation to your organization and desired leadership group

  • Support with promotion and scheduling

  • Backend logistics and technology for virtual hosting

  • Optional post-training survey

  • Post-training communication with recommendations for implementing leadership behaviors and skills

  • Recording for those who couldn’t make it

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This Training Experience comes from our Elevate leadership series, a series of trainings from our catalog of relevant leadership themes customized for your team and schedule.