Self-Awareness: The Foundation to Leading with Authenticity

A 90 minute Virtual, instructor led training (VILT) for your PEOPLE LEADERS

About this Leadership Training:

Few factors matter more in our potential for growth, and as a leader, than self-awareness. It is the building block of emotional intelligence and the key to a life of integrity and success. In this leadership training, we will explore what self-awareness consists of and how we cultivate it for better teamwork and collaboration. We’ll apply principles of self-awareness to various leadership situations and you’ll have the opportunity to identify your opportunities for growth. 

Learning Outcomes & What to Expect:

  • Learn the elements of self-awareness and identify your opportunities for growth

  • Understand the benefits of self-awareness for your leadership

  • Explore how to cultivate this important character quality and apply it in everyday situations

  • Discuss and connect with team members and colleagues in small groups

Leadership Themes: Emotional Intelligence, Influence, Building Healthy Culture

What’s included in this Training:

  • Expert-led facilitation and content, including one-on-one and group breakouts to encourage connection and engagement with your team

  • Adaptation to your organization and desired leadership group

  • Support with promotion and scheduling

  • Backend logistics and technology for virtual hosting

  • Optional post-training survey

  • Post-training communication with recommendations for implementing leadership behaviors and skills

  • Recording for those who couldn’t make it

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This Training Experience comes from our Elevate leadership series, a series of trainings from our catalog of relevant leadership themes customized for your team and schedule.